Friday, July 8, 2011

Fresh Off the Wagon for July 8th 2011

Thank you to those who guessed our first mystery item for our first installment of What the... What?  For those still guessing, it was an antique cat carrier! Actually, there probably aren't too many people guessing, because everyone who responded got it right.  So I've learned two things, 1) our readers are brilliant (obviously) and 2) I need to make these posts tougher and with fewer clues.  I'll post another one next week, so check back.

We have several great large pieces this week, including a one-of-a-kind handmade chair bench, a few large farm tables (one of my favorites is pictured below), an apothecary cabinet, and a to-die-for upholstered room screen.  Anne cleaned out an old barn last week and told us about all of these vintage tools she just didn't know what to do with, asking us "Does anyone really like vintage tools anyway?"  To which everyone gave her the 'are you crazy face' and shouted in unison, "YES! Bring them in!"  Well they've made it here and you can mainly find them outside in her pavilion. 

This fantastic farm table is new this week.
In other exciting news...Suzanne purchased a new shop camera that supposedly has great auto lighting features.  If you've suffered through my photography and lack of lighting skills for the Fresh Off the Wagon features weekly, then you should be just as excited as I am!


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