Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What the.... What? (#1)

We have a special phrase around the store when we find things in our travels that are particularly unusual, odd, confusing, or sometimes hideous.  When we come across one of these items, we like to use one of our favorite Lucketts-isms, "What the... What?"  Here is one of those items.  See if you can guess what it is and leave us a comment if you think you know!  We'll reveal the item's true identity and purpose later this week.

1.  I'm 16 inches long, 14 inches high, and ten inches across.
2.  I'm about as big as a medium-sized mailbox but I don't have a flag.

3.  I have a mesh screen on one side with a pull down flap that closes and two quarter-sized holes on the other end.
What the... What?

Leave a comment if you know!


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