Friday, May 1, 2009

Feelin' Good

I am so proud of myself today. I got up, worked out, and even offered to walk with Grace (as opposed to drive 100 miles an hour three minutes before school starts) to school AND take the dog with us. See how many things I checked off before 10am?

It's no secret I've been struggling with my diminishing ability to self-motivate. I think one thing people don't quite get (unless you yourself owns your own business) is that it's all self-motivation....every day...for three years. Sure, I have deadlines and a production schedule but I don't have set office hours anymore. Or a boss expecting praise-worthy work and praising me when I do well. There are days when I think, man, would it be great to know that if I work from 9-5, I don't have to think about this stuff until Monday.

Obviously, the upside is that I do get to be with my kids (and make money) which is what I wanted all along. And God forbid, if the swine flu closes our schools, I'll be home with them and not fear losing my job...or getting my pay docked like so many of these poor families in Texas whose little ones are home for two weeks. (Not that I think they shouldn't have closed the schools, just pointing out the logistics of it all.)

Just writing this today has given me more motivation to get back into the garage and work my tail off. Right after I surf the internet, watch a tivo'd Grey's Anatomy, make some late breakfast, call a friend, answer an email, and check Facebook.



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