Marian's history with our shop goes all the way back to when she was in middle school (yikes! are we dating ourselves?). She later became an avid shopper about twelve years ago when she first discovered her love for antiques. Marian drove by the Old Lucketts Store several times and the lure of all of the amazing pieces visible from Route 15 was finally too great to resist.
Marian loves thrifting, antiquing, going to auctions, and all things DIY and home décor. Marian said that she loves her job because "with this business, I don’t have to worry about having the right place for something I find. I enjoy the freedom in creating pieces to sell. It doesn't have to match anything in my home. I can just create whatever is in my head." She also enjoys reminding her husband to stop at yard sales, because after all, it's her job!
Of all her pieces, Marian is most proud of her Union Jack Dresser and upholstered French chair. I can attest firsthand to the splash her dresser made back in February. We took a picture of the dresser, posted it on our Fresh off the Wagon page, and within a few hours it was sold. We received so many compliments and questions about it the entire Groundhog Day sale weekend.
Marian is “over-the-moon excited” about having her new space at Lucketts. She said that she’s loved the shop for so long and it’s an honor to be among the ranks of such talented and creative designers, antique dealers, and artists. This year, she is also looking forward to the continued growth of her blog, and any opportunities that may come out of that.
We are truly excited to have Marian at the shop, and wish her continued success. Welcome to Lucketts, Marian, we are honored to have you!
About Marian: Marian lives with her husband, who is a youth pastor, and her two preschool-age sons in a 1940's era home near Gettysburg, PA. She is a freelance tutorial writer for HGTV.com and Cottages & Bungalows magazine, and the author of Miss Mustard Seed blog.
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