So Sunday was a kind of quietish day this week, being Fathers Day and what not. Shopping at Lucketts is not usaully a fathers choice of tings to do, so thats cool, but sometime late in the morning Heather noticed something a little unusual sitting on the ground by the tree in the parking lot. What the heck is that! Well, for some reason, somebody left behind a gerbil in a cage. Okay, was that their gift to dad, that they would get rid of their gerbil for Fathers Day? I can even understand that, but I can't quite reconcile the thought process of how it ended up at our store. Let's look at the options.
Option 1 - You just so happened to be antiquing with your gerbil when him and his cage got sucked out of your window.
Option 2 - The gerbil was looking for something vintage to homey up his cage.
Option 3- Word out on the street is Lucketts Store is the place to be if you're a gerbil.Okay, I'm out of ideas. So now we have a gerbil, what to do with it? Well the good news is we're all animal people, but enough already, we've had more than our fair share of stray cats, kittens, groundhogs, baby birds, and runaway dogs. We really didn't need to add a gerbil to our list of mascots. So we waited an hour or so hoping the "parents" would realize they might have missed someone, but alas no one showed. So we brought him into the lobby and put a, "Free To A Good Home" sign on his cage. Hours passed when a family with about five kids saw the little orphan and started begging their dad, just what he was hoping for on Fathers Day, a gerbil. All of his dreams were about to come true... He was their prisoner but held on to the time honored, "Ask your mother." Meanwhile, another family, who happened to be on their way to the pet store TO BUY A GERBIL, stopped in and saw the little fella. This family quickly decided to take advantage the opportunity, much to the chagrin of the other family's children. Fortunately, their ultra super hero dad said, "Okay, we can keep it" and the super nice "On their way to get a gerbil anyway" family relinquished.
So this gerbil story has a happy ending. The moral is - Dear God people don't leave your pets at the Old Lucketts Store. What the Gerbil?!
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