Saturday, November 17, 2012

Coffee & Cafe Shop Love

....there aren't many things nicer than spending a couple of hours in a cosy coffee shop on a Saturday afternoon in October or November

it's a refuge, a sanctuary, a home, a happy place....

reading a good book or newspaper
alone or catching up with friends
inhaling the coffee & cooking aromas
windows steaming up inside
ordering more than one coffee
soup & homemade bread
watching the world go by

My local coffee shop  - Nyborg's - is owned by two Danish friends and, happily for me, ticks all of the above boxes. It's small but perfectly formed. 
They serve Monmouth coffee, the best coffee in London & bake on the premises each day.
Go there at about 9.30am each day and you can get cinnamon bread, fresh & warm from the oven....some day it's the only way to start the day.

Sometimes the coffee chains - Starbucks or Caffe Nero - will do but it's the individual coffee places that draw you back time after time with their character & charm.


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