Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Busy Busy

It's been a little while since my last post, sorry. I've been focusing on lots of orders lately. That and ignoring getting my tax stuff together for our accountant.

I'm on my last week of 10 straight weeks of building and I'm physically whipped!! Guess they call this manual labor for a reason, eh? I'm getting excited about the Baby Celebration LA show coming up on April 12 and 13. Do I have any inventory for the event, you ask? Hell no. That would be too easy! I'm going to start cranking out inventory and the building/designing of my easy-to-assemble hard walled booth for the show. That's what's on the schedule starting next week.

Ok, back to the garage I go. I need to actually do a load of laundry to make it easier to get to the table saw. I think my husband did that on purpose. I feel like Dora the Explorer....first you go OVER the mountain of dirty clothes, then you go around the workbench and straight to the TABLE SAW! YEAH!!! I DID IT, I DID IT!!!


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