Thursday, May 22, 2008

Happy Friday!

I've been building like crazy the last couple of days so that I'm able to go on a field trip with my son's third grade class on Friday. It's the first one I've been able to go on so I'm thrilled and a bit nervous all at the same time. It seems silly to me that I feel that way...about the nervous part...because, after all, I actually HAVE a third grader. I do know something about them. But somehow knowing I'm responsible for five or so other third graders at an art museum with those velvet ropes to jump over, paintings featuring naked boobs to be pointed out loudly, and a few very stern looking museum workers giving me the stink-eye when one of the kids gets overly excited makes me get me get just a wee bit anxious.

Wish me luck! I'm off to bed so I can get some rest. I need to get my strength up so I can be witty and charming for my son's friends (and their mothers who have gone on field trips before and will undoubtedly call attention to my lack of involvement.) I really just want to be the cool mom but will go to sleep tonight knowing that I'll probably be the mom who loses a kid.


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