Monday, July 20, 2009

I Heart Stock Lumber...and The London Hotel in West Hollywood

I just got back from Stock Lumber in Burbank (on Victory) and I just have to say, if you live in The Valley and need wood, Stock is your place. I really can't say enough about how great everyone is who works there -- and how helpful they are and have always been. When I first started out and was terrified to head to the lumber yard for fear I'd be laughed out the big metal gates, they treated me with such respect and kindness. I kinda feel like I'm walking into a local pub where everyone knows my name now. Except they don't give me booze, just plywood.

I've had my share of rude, chauvinistic encounters working in my male-dominated industry, and it's really hard to shake off sometimes no matter how much grief I give right back to them. It will go round and round in my head for days. And I'll think of all sorts of better responses I should have given. I'm again, so thankful, that all I feel at Stock is love.

Speaking of love, I tried out The London Hotel in West Hollywood for a night with my friends this past weekend and had the best time. Talk about surreal! One day I was at a posh hotel poolside sipping vodka tonics and the next, I'm at the lumber yard. A few dozen gorgeous skinny model types would walk by us at the hotel and I'd "guess" their occupation. Never once did I guess carpenter. Something tells me they weren't picking up casters and Baltic Birch today.

(Nice cabana, eh?!? And just look at that wood floor!!! Gorgeous!)


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