Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mod Mom Keepsake Box Raffle -- All Proceeds go to Red Cross for Haiti

Raffle Update as of 8:30am PST, January 26th:

HOLY COW we're up to
$774.09 with a total of 81 tickets sold! The raffle ends tonight at midnight PST so if you haven't bought a ticket yet, look below for the Paypal link! And do it QUICK. :)

Just a reminder that the keepsake box is not just intended for kids. I designed it with adults and kids in mind and came up with a few ideas for what you big kids can store in it: leftover antibiotics that you forgot to take, old mixed tapes, photos/letters from past loves, all one thousand TV remote controls, your rock collection, your Twilight Edward Cullen action figure, and the list goes on!

I, like everyone else, is just crushed by the news coming out of Haiti. It's heart breaking. And like everyone else, we gave what we could to charity to help. Even though we can't squeeze more out of our budget to donate personally, I figured I could do something with what I know best. I've got wood and I know how to use it.

Inspired by Bamboletta dolls who raffled two dolls and raised close to $10,000 (insanely big number, huh?!?) that will go Doctors Without Borders and their relief efforts in Haiti, I figured I'd give it a try. So, last night, I designed a bird keepsake box for the raffle winner.

The keepsake box is made from eco-friendly Russian Baltic Birch. The bird and veneer cut-outs are were hand-drawn. I use Miller dowels to ensure strong joints. The paint/stain (your choice- see below) are non-toxic. The finish is low-VOC, water-based polyurethane from Deft. Dimensions: 15" x 12 1/2" x 5 1/4".


THE WINNER GETS TO CHOOSE THE COLOR! The lucky raffle winner will get to choose the paint or stain color for the bird. I wanted it to make it work in almost any home and let you have some say in what your handmade keepsake box looks like!

HOW TO BUY A TICKET - Each ticket is only $10!: Donations will be accepted via Paypal by clicking the ADD TO CART button below. If you want to buy more than one ticket, you can choose adjust the number of tickets you'd like. Now since I'm not a non-profit organization, I'm sorry to say I cannot give receipts for tax write-offs. I'll be donating all proceeds to the American Red Cross

WHEN IS THE WINNER ANNOUNCED? The raffle will run until next Tuesday, January 26, at midnight. The winner will be chosen on Wednesday, January 27th . I'll be sure to keep you updated throughout the raffle. I'll take care of the shipping/packing costs of getting the keepsake box to the winner.

Thanks in advance to everyone who participates!

(Thank you Robert for making my photos at the top look amazing! And for sharing the news on and


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