Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chalkboard Wall

I'm always trying to get organized.  It's against my nature, really, but that doesn't stop me from trying (and trying, and trying!).  I have this weird little partition wall in my kitchen, and one day I got the crazy idea to paint it with chalkboard paint.  I got out the ladder, taped up the wall and got started.  If you haven't tried chalkboard paint yet, it's super easy to use.  I sanded the wall lightly first, then followed the directions right on the can.  It took two coats and the hardest part of the project was resisting the temptation to write on the wall in the three days it takes for it to cure!  But once the three days were up and the wall got writing on it, I loved the result!

I have a grocery list, a schedule for the week, sometimes a menu (when I'm having a good week!), and other little reminders.  My teenage kids and their friends love to sign the wall and their notes are fun to read, too.  If you try this project, don't panic when you get to the stage when it's finished and you have to wait for it to cure. The wall looks like a giant, black hole until you get some writing on it.  Also, make sure you follow all the directions on the can. You have to cover the whole surface with chalk dust before writing on it the first time.  I almost never follow directions, but I did this time and I'm glad that I did...and the best part is that it really has helped me to be a little more organized!



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