Sunday, March 6, 2011

Monday Music - Funky Town Done Our Way...

This is where it all began (personally one of my fave articles ever!!).

Music is SO important to the happiness of my home. :)

Now most Monday mornings when the working week looms I'll try to post a fave song or some music I'm listening to at the moment to provide some musical motivation.

So my little groovers......... here's today's installment!


I'm on a roll with the 80s music after last week.... (sorry Bobbi, more synths coming your way!)

It really is my favourite decade of music without a doubt. Paddocks ahead of the rest from my point of view (I have a very b-r-o-a-d taste in music though, all sorts and all types, not just the 80s).

OK, here we have the remake of Funky Town (the original was by Lipps Inc), and this cover is by Aussie band Psuedo Echo.

I seriously LOVED Psuedo Echo in the 80s. Many's the time I recall dancing like a nutter to this song at the disco with my jeans, white t-shirt, and yes... white boots on. (They even had tassles running the length of them - aaahh the 80s - cringe).

I also owned a couple of Psuedo Echo albums (really), and I used to play them flat out at any given opportunity.

So, let's go to Funky Town......

And, as always when thinking of our 'Musical Must Haves' section...

Ask yourself: 'Do I L.O.V.E music?'

Which leads to: 'Have I got enough of it in my home and in my life?'

Because: Good interior design caters to ALL our senses, not just our eyes.... that's why I call it 'Atmospheric Design' instead!

Linda. xox

The Original Musical Must Have:



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