Monday, June 6, 2011

Detail Detail Detail | Vespa.

They say the devil is in the detail. I say detail is the closest we can get to perfection. Not that I know what perfection is (or if it actually exists), but the feeling that something is finished and ready to be adored must be something very close to it.

Everything created, whether an object or a building, is a combination of minds: the one who sponsors it, the one who designs it and the one who makes it. Communication between all these individuals are sometimes misunderstanding, others misinterpreted and of course we all imagine it differently. What's idealized comes up different and it's the process that shapes and touches the details. Everyone adds perfection.

So why not come up with a signature on this blog about things I want to enhance the performance sometimes forgotten, specially in the design world?

As Vespas are so trendy nowadays, I've been looking at them in a different perspective. Now, look at this beauty and admire the push pedal, the (anti-slippery) rubber stripes and the center where you rest your feet while you drive? Isn't it so perfectly thought and made?

I think there's another detail that makes vintage Vespas so trendy - the color. We are all tired of dark and dormant shades. Color is energy and bright ones makes us alive and happier. This baby blue is synonymous to youthful, don't you think?

In design nothing is ever finished. Things change and what's perfect today might not be tomorrow. Aesthetics have different routes and surely different proposes and understandings. Though, I think if we communicate with our material surroundings we will for sure feel they're part of us, rather than the other way around.


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