Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Deconstructed Christmas Tree { the peacock tree }

Decorated Christmas trees are like people - no two are alike.  There are so many styles and looks, it really is all about what appeals to you.
While there's really no exact formula for decorating a tree, there are some general categories of elements / ornaments we use.  We thought it might be helpful to deconstruct an inspiration tree for you so you can see just how designer trees come together.

Here is a sample inspiration tree up close.  If you study the picture, you'll start to see layer upon layer of decorations that vary in size, color, and texture. 

Now let's deconstruct the tree into six major elements.  Remember, this isn't an exact science or formula; you can always add or subtract to get the look you prefer.  The intent is to give you an idea of categories of decorations to help you recreate a look that speaks to you.


Lots of great events coming up in a few short days!!! { click hyperlinks below for more details }


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