Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Meet Mr. Peaches.  (Formerly just Peaches)

These days, there seems to be so much change.  Horrendous fires :( , flooding in Tampa to the point people were kayaking down their streets :(, Tom and Katie splitting :), and we have a bunny that we thought was a girl but turns out is a boy :).  Change all around. Change used to scare me more than it does now.  I think over the last year, I've gotten better at living in the moment and realizing that no matter how much control I feel I have over things, I really don't have much at all.  I can only do my best and recognize that in my world, things happen as they should.  Even the bad stuff.  It's taken me a long time to get to this point, and I'm sure I have a lot more to learn, but I am taking comfort now in not knowing the answers or how things will play out tomorrow.  I know lots of folks I know would call that faith.

Here's my faith list today:

1.  I have faith that I will successfully fix a horrible highlighting job I did on my own hair with two lovely products from Loreal.  I also have faith that I may just be calling my fantastic hair dresser to fix it after I've "fixed it".  I'm ok with it.  Hair is an adventure, right?

2.  I have faith that I am on the right path in regards to Mod Mom Furniture growth as long as I recognize and listen to my intuition.  If I don't, I will likely take the long road to where I'm going.  I prefer the short road.

3.  I have faith that I won't mysteriously lose 15 lbs for a video segment shoot next Tuesday even though my silly mind would like to make me think I should.

4.  I have faith in Spanx for said video segment filming.

What do you have faith in today?


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