Thursday, January 10, 2008

Design Milk

I was so excited to find out about a post that ran today on a VERY COOL site called Design Milk!

I've been visiting Design Milk (quietly without posting comments) for awhile now because the finds are so fantastic! And not just about modern kid's stuff. It highlights all kinds of cool modern things for the home.

Anyhow, I was thrilled to see the Gracie Mid-Century Style Toy Box featured on it today! Click the Design Milk link above for the post.

Now that I have a big head and think way too much of myself, let me say that I WON'T be posting about another blog posting about Mod Mom Furniture tomorrow. I'm afraid I won't be able to be in the same room with my big head if I do. Rest easy knowing that my big head will deflate quickly when I bend a nail, smash my thumb with my hammer, cut a side panel a wee bit too short, and botch a stain job. All those things to look forward to tomorrow!!

(NOTE: Tomorrow will undoubtedly be the day when Oprah calls to have me on her show and The New York Times wants to do an in-depth article but I stand by my promise not to talk about how much other people are liking my work right now. That is, unless I hear from Oprah or The New York Times. :))


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