Thursday, January 24, 2008


(N, G and Me 2004)

I was thinking a lot about Oprah today. Not sure why but I was remembering one episode where she has stay-at-home moms and working moms as her guests and subjects. Both sets were interviewed and both sets gave their "side" as to why their way of life was better for them/children/world. I found it intriguing because there is and has always been such a war between the two groups. And it's obvious why. That's not where I'm going with this.

Here's where I'm going with this...I know a lot of my generation (mid-30 somethings) climbed the ladder, got MBAs, had kids, and after a good 10 years of high-paying, high-stress jobs, decided to stay home to raise the kids. But then what? Did you miss your corporate/working life? Was it hard to adjust to being home?

I found it's something that isn't talked about very much among Moms. I find when I say to someone that the first year at home with my then 4-year-old and 5-month old after working my ad sales job for A&E was tough, I either get a sigh of relief or a tiny almost inaudible gasp. It's like admitting you don't like your kids sometimes. The truth of the matter is it took me A LOT of getting used to not having time to myself, not being able to schedule everything exactly the way I wanted, just generally having to be pretty selfless 24/7. The good part was I didn't have the pressure to be "on" and creative at a moment's notice.

Of course, I adjusted ( and love it most of the time) and don't regret jumping off the corporate ladder but I'll always remember that first year at home after being a corporate working mom.
Maybe someone should write a book. Like "what to expect when you've left your job to stay home with your kids....and not go for Starbucks runs...and never shower....and miss client lunches." Is that too long of a title??


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