Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

There's been family, food, laughter, football, shopping, a TORNADO, more shopping, an animated movie I didn't have to watch with the kids :). Ok, Ok, I'll back up to the TORNADO part. So around 1:30pm today, after being out on a football field watching my Dad coach and Grace and Noah sit on the ground and dig in the dirt and complain about the Ohio heat and humidity, we came back to Mom and Dad's house for lunch. And apparently, a tornado. Mom sees on the TV that a tornado watch was in affect for our town and quickly gathers supplies for our safe place (thankfully a basement complete with tv, mini-fridge, pool table, air hockey table and ping pong table.) Then the town's tornado sirens start going off. Now, when I was growing up here, we lived way out in the country so we never heard the sirens. This was a first for me and I have to say, the most surreal part of the whole thing.

Down the stairs we went into the country club of tornado bunkers. The hail starts, the heavy winds, the rain, the very loud thunder. All of it crashing down on the house for a good 20 minutes. And then it was over. Just like that. And we went back to our normal lives, the sun came out, we went to dinner and Grace lost her first tooth.

And it was like it never even happened. One thing's for sure. I'm SOOO glad my parents moved into a house with a basement. And that Mom knows how to pack for a tornado , i.e., bring downstairs , into the bathroom-less basement, a big bucket and three rolls of TP. I suggested vodka but it never made its way downstairs. That was probably for the best, wasn't it.


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