Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio

As you know from my last post, we're visiting my parents in Defiance, Ohio (the same town from the book and movie, The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio.) I grew up here from 5th grade through 12th and during most college breaks. I officially flew the coop in 1995 when I moved to Charlotte, NC.

Anyhow, I figured I'd share some photos I've taken of the town, the country, and the fishin':

This is where I grew up! My parents moved into a lovely new home in town about 4 years ago but I still occasionally check up on my old house out in the country. I rode my Dad's bike out to our old stomping ground yesterday to take this photo. The house sits out on the river (well, across the street from the river). Lots of good memories there. See that garage? That's where Mod Mom started tinkering with wood. And that driveway? That's where Mod Mom made out with her high school boyfriend in his car when he dropped her off at home after school...until the neighbors told my parents. Ah, the memories.

There's no way I could show the town without showing the football stadium...for the HIGH SCHOOL. If you watch Friday Night Lights on tv, you have an idea of how big high school football is in our town. My dad, a former head football coach at many schools, is coaching again part-time for Defiance High School this year. Go Bulldogs!!

We went fishing one day -- a first for Little G and Noah! Grandpa was a champ putting on all the worms and taking the fish off the hook. I tried but I just couldn't do it. A table saw is so much less intimidating than a wet fish dangling from a hook. Both G and N caught multiple fish. Dad and I caught nothing. Well, I caught a tree once.

This is the power dam out by my old house. They even named the street after it. I just think it's such a cool building. And the dam isn't bad either. :) Damn, that's a nice dam!! I'm sure there is and was a lot of pot smoking and underaged drinking that goes on down below on those rocks. But not by me, no sir!

How gorgeous is this photo?! Corn fields for miles. I remember as a kid, after the movie Children of the Corn came out, my sister and I would ride very quickly past the corn fields and breathe a heavy sigh of relief when we made it past without the evil children getting us.

I took photos of the downtown but lost them so I may just take some more before we head to Scott's parents in Louisville and pass them along. Defiance is a great little town in the middle of farm country. A very nice place to grow up...if you don't get caught by the Children of the Corn.


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