Friday, April 9, 2010

Marisol Spoon - You Rock!

I just made my second purchase from one of my favourite Etsy sellers a week or so ago....... and it arrived today!

And I have to say - Marisol Spoon, you rock!!

The last print I ordered from Marisol was this lovely print of Elsa and her little owl. My well known 'thing' for owls was in overdrive when I saw it, and it takes pride of place in a frame above one of my bookcases.

Everyone who sees it comments on it and I love it dearly.

Whilst browsing Marisol's Etsy Store the other day her print 'The Bright Forest' caught my eye and made me stop breathing for a split second! Now, if you know me well, you know I'm a 'red' girl. I have splashes of red in every room of my home. I cannot walk into a room in my house and feel completely at home if I don't have some red somewhere. Guess you could say, for whatever reason, I'm hardwired for red. I ooh and ahh over multitudes of beautiful interiors I see in mags and online without red in them, but I know if I transplanted the same colours into my home, I'd be having red withdrawals.

Now, I also happen to have a 'thing' about forests, and a very entrenched 'thing' about butterflies.

And....... I have dark hair and very dark eyes.

So, stumbling across this little print made my day.

Had to have it.

No choice.

The heart said so.

Then I noticed her print titled The Reading Room!

Well, I'm a well documented book lover. Can't live in a home without books. And, the colours would blend in perfectly with others in the room I want it for........ and, there's a little owl on the spine of one of the books..... and, there's also a fox on the spine of another one (another animal 'totem' of mine).

After deciding (well, the choice was out of my hands really, when the heart sings - I listen) I had to have those two prints, I then threw caution to the wind and got a little stationary set with other girls and 'spirit animals'.

Thank you for such brilliant and unusual work Marisol, my heart sings whenever I look at them!

Ask yourself: 'Do I have things around me that make my heart sing? What do I love or have a 'thing' about that I could find embodied in an object or picture?'

Which leads to: Are they on display where you can be uplifted by them every day?

Because: The smallest of things can bring a feeling of joy when you look at them. Surrounding yourself with items that are an extension of your inner feelings/thoughts/ideas/loves will furnish you with a home where you feel you truly belong.



P.S. Oh.... My........Goodness! Whilst doing the links for this post to Marisol's Etsy Store, I just noticed the print below. Another gorgeous girl (dark hair this time) with an owl on her shoulder.

Arrrgghhhhh!!!! I swear it wasn't there a few days ago.

I'm gobsmacked.



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