Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Lazy Days of Summer

I've really dropped the ball on this here blog of mine. It was all those days relaxing at the pool sipping on margaritas that did it. Wait, did I say relaxing?!?! I meant spinning myself into a crazy ball of activity all the while hearing, "Mom, what are we going to do today?" You all know what I mean. It's the sound of summer while working from home with kids. Back when I was building myself, I'd actually haul the table saw out by the pool at our old house so I could saw while they swam. Now, since expansion happened with my Amish manufacturer (YAY!), I'm finding I'm glued to my office chair in the kitchen while the kids run in and out. UNTIL THIS WEEK!!!!!

Glorious school started!! On Monday!! Well, it did for my 3rd grader. I'm feeling like I have my work life back where I can concentrate for more than 15 minutes at a time and I don't have to save everything for nighttime when I'm super tired and caring more about what happened on Real Housewives than my marketing materials.

I've been gearing up for the ABC Kids Expo in Louisville, Kentucky September 23-26. In fact, one of my business partners, the fabulous Katie Hatch, sketched up this awesome booth design for the show (below). And my insanely talented and loving father will build it in Ohio.  I've done one other trade show in my years and my husband and I built the booth walls but this time around, I'm gladly handing it off to my carpentry mentor. :)  I've been busy running the daily operations, customer service, invoicing, accounting, marketing, sales and PR.  I'm working on the press kit now and a few other marketing/sales items like hang tags, etc.  Thanks to Jenna for a fantastic one-sheet design that gives a brief overview of Mod Mom Furniture.

I'm so glad the lazy days of summer are over!

Booth 2639 in the Modern Child section!  Come see me!!


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