Sunday, February 13, 2011

Monday Music - Valentine's Day.... Love Is In The Air!

This is where it all began (personally one of my fave articles ever!!).

Music is SO important to the happiness of my home. :)

Now most Monday mornings when the working week looms I'll try to post a fave song or some music I'm listening to at the moment to provide some musical motivation.

So my little groovers......... here's today's installment!


This song by Australia's John Paul Young was originally released in 1978, but was re-released in 1992 for the movie Strictly Ballroom.

For those reading this who aren't Aussies, Strictly Ballroom was a massive cult hit over here.... very Aussie, very funny, corny, kitsch, and all the rest. I think it was reasonably successful overseas too!

And, it had Paul Mecurio at his very hunky best. Mmmmm mmmmm.

As soon as I asked myself what song I should post for Valentine's Day, this one just had to be it!!

I remember watching Strictly Ballroom in the biggest theatre in our theatre complex (the 'main screen'), and it was so packed, the only row left was the front row, which was about 5 metres in front of this HUGE screen.

I got a painful crick in my neck from looking up at some almost impossible angle all night, and everything looked absolutely massive, but it was worth it!

There's a few little bits of the movie in the video.... but for those who remember it, there's a bit more in the second video after.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone - may 'love be in the air' for you.

Here's the clip of that famous (amongst Strictly Ballroom fans) end dance and scene with the slow clap in the movie. Sigh.

If you don't know the story it'll all be a bit weird, but here it is anyway. (It's the father of Paul Mecurio's character who's clapping).

And, as always when thinking of our 'Musical Must Haves' section...

Ask yourself: 'Do I L.O.V.E music?'

Which leads to: 'Have I got enough of it in my home and in my life?'

Because: Good interior design caters to ALL our senses, not just our eyes.... that's why I call it 'Atmospheric Design' instead!

Linda. xox

The Original Musical Must Have:



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