Thursday, August 9, 2012

dog days of summer.

For those of you who have been reading for a while know I have issues with Elisabeth starting Kindergarten. Those of you who know me in real life know I really have issues  with Elisabeth starting kindergarten. 6 days. 6 days is all I have left with that little red head of mine. 

{I seriously just about cried typing that. I may or may not have had a few break downs already. }

I know that I may not share funny stories about my first born, the way I do with jude...or post tons of pictures on instagram the way I do with Lyla. But that girl of mine holds my heart. She is my buddy. She keeps me company all day long when the hubs is away, chats my ear off, offers constant signing in the background while I work... I just adore her. 

I often tease Elisabeth and tell her lets send Jude to kindergarten and she can stay home with me ; )

I know she will be just fine. In fact she will be over the moon about school. It is all me. 

So I am going to soak up the last of these dog days of summer and create a few more memories to go along with the one we already have: 

swimming and jumping of the diving board/ late night summer walks to the ice cream store/ sleepovers/  slip n slide days/ trips to union station/ road trips to St. Louis/ all star game events/ making cookies/ discovering dinosaurs/ lazy days of watching tv and reading books/ fireworks and smoke bombs/ cousins/ more sidewalk chalk than we can ever remember/ picking tomatoes/ watching our pumpkins grow/ princess and barbies/ museums/ arts and crafts/ movies, popcorn, and snuggling/ 


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