Friday, October 19, 2012

Let the games begin!

Here's my second post in a series featuring how we're getting our Design House all ready for the Holiday Open House on November 2, 3 & 4.  
So I left off my last post talking about going to holiday buying shows in January and pricing Christmas balls in July....

When we're at the shows, the next step is sorting through the madness and deciding what we "want to be" this year.  We decide what looks are we going with this (I mean next, I mean this..oh it's so confusing!) year.  We think about what our customers will love.. what haven’t they seen before.. what's the very best price point we can get.. what colors do we love.. what themes do we see emerging in our different rooms??? 

The good news there is that me and Amy are not afraid to shop. We are both generally on the same page and when we’re not, we have enough respect for the other to go along anyway, because buying and decorating-wise for the two of us pretty much always works out. So five solid days of sorting through all that is Christmas and two maxed out credit cards later… we are battle ready for the next holiday season approximately nine months in advance.

Owls....they tend to congregate at the Design House
Jump forward in time a few months.  Now the boxes have arrived and the real work begins.  Diana, Kim, Casey and Tori leave work each day completely covered in sparkles….when they are not helping us at Lucketts, unpacking, displaying, manning the counter, or helping us prep the next Design House, they are pricing squirrels, owls, elves, ribbon, bears, fairies, angels, garland, Santas, deer, oh and did I say owls?  Yes, hundreds and hundreds of owls.

We kind of had to have a teensy weensy come to Jesus meeting on Friday afternoon of the October Design House..just to say, you know you guys, when this is over we only have three and a half weeks until the Holiday Design House… so if there were ever a time that you probably can't take one single minute of work off.. it would be now….ouch.

Could we get through this October Design House weekend before we have the “we’re so busy we don’t have time to eat” chat ( just kidding that would never ever happen).   LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!

You can read the first post in this series about our 2012 Holiday Open House here.


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