Monday, October 22, 2012

Shop projects - mirror painting

As we get some new items ready to bring in to the shop, we decided to try out a few different painting techniques and see which one was faster and turned out the best.

We tried petroleum jelly, painter's tape, and free hand painting. 

Let's see how it goes...

So...I have been told and have read a lot of blogs that the best way to paint a mirror is to rub petroleum jelly around the edges and the paint WILL NOT get on the mirror..If you're a painter this would be a dream!  So I had to try it out.

So here I go...three mirrors three different ways..round gold mirror on the bottom (petroleum jelly) white mirror in the middle (old fashioned tape to edges) and white rectangular mirror on top (I didn't do anything).  

 Check out  the next picture for the results!

NOPE for the petroleum jelly...never again!  It took me 20 minutes to get all the gunk off the mirror, however the paint didn't adhere to the actual mirror it rubbed right off.  But for me it takes 10 minutes to tape a mirror and no matter how careful you are, it still seeps

I will stick with the old fashioned way....paint and and use a razor blade for clean up.  Just remember to always keep the blade flat to the surface not raised or you will scratch the mirror....AND BE CAREFUL.

UPDATE:  I got some advice from Kim on Facebook who recommended using eye makeup remover to clean up the painting mishaps with the mirrors.  Well the verdict is in! I used a make up remover moist towel to remove the excess paint off the mirror I painted yesterday~ It worked! with little to no effort...Not sure if this makes me happy or makes me wonder what it is I am putting on my face though! 

These projects and many more will be showing up shortly at The Old Lucketts Store's Holiday Open House...November 2, 3 & 4.   Mark your calendars!

 All images courtesy of Boots & Burlap at The Old Lucketts Store.  Visit their Facebook page to get the latest news and information on what the ladies are making and bringing in to The Old Lucketts Store.


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