Tuesday, July 2, 2013

HOW TO WORK FOR A PSYCHIC BOSS - Blog Series by Scott Hathcock

Going on 16+ years of surviving in the executive corporate jungle, either as a worker bee or a leader and I would still consider myself a “student” of business.  Over the years, I have sought solace and or advice from peers, seminars or books to learn about the business situation or environment I found myself.  Business books with titles like “How to Work for an Idiot” and “Surviving Toxic Leaders” and “Result Based Leadership” and even “Working with Dummies for Dummies,” and countless variations on these titles that flood the market have served me in the past.  There’s never been a shortage of people in this world offering their sage advice.   However, today, I sit dumbfounded and alone in my Barnes & Nobles with my triple latte half-caff. without one book of guidance to look or even one friend to ask, “How do you work for a boss when she is psychic?"

Since there are no peers, seminars, or books to guide me, I thought it best to write my own series of blogs and possibly become known as an “expert” in this field; after all, who will tell me I’m wrong?

Well, there is one person.

Let’s begin as all good business books do—

You have chosen to read this blog today because you are obviously working for someone who is or whom you believe to be Psychic, also known as an Intuitive.   Wikipedia defines a Psychic as:

 A Psychic (/ˈsaɪkɪk/; from the Greek ψυχικός psychikos—"of the mind, mental") is a person who claims to have an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception (ESP), or who is said by others to have such abilities. 

It also defines Psyche as:

 the Psyche /ˈsaɪkiː/ is the totality of the human mind, conscious, and unconscious. Psychology is the scientific or objective study of the psyche.

And, finally Psycho as:

Psycho or Psychopathy (/saɪˈkɒpəθi/[1]) is a personality or mental disorder[2][3][4][5] characterized partly by antisocial behavior, a diminished capacity for remorse, and poor behavioral controls.

Obviously, three very different spelled words here with three different meanings, and the only reason I bring these up is to help you not make the same spelling mistakes I have made in the past.  Also, I thought it best to remind you that when texting or emailing, when pursuing this conversation in work emails, neither spell check nor auto correct are your friends.  

Now, the definition of an Intuitive is basically the same thing as a Psychic, but without all the cultural baggage, crystal ball using stigma a “Psychic” has to carry in today’s modern world and certainly in today’s office environment.  With that very clear definition in mind, you must now ask yourself; do you believe you are working for a Psychic? Or, were you excited to see that someone actually was writing a business guide on, “How to Work for a Psycho?”  If the answer is “yes” to either of these questions I insist you read on as I may help you better learn which one you are indeed serving using my 5 question system which I will graciously explain in my next blog post.


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