Tuesday, July 2, 2013

HOW TO WORK FOR A PSYCHIC BOSS - "The First of 5 Questions You Must Ask Yourself When Determining if You Are Working for a Psychic" By Scott Hathcock

Scott Hathcock
(works for a psychic medium/furniture CEO)
In my previous entry, hopefully I reinforced the importance of not only learning the differences between the words psychic, psyche, and psycho, but to also learn how to spell them correctly and know when to use which one.  Judging by your massive response to my previous blog, I am touching on a very relevant corporate issue and I thank you for re-posting it!

As we dive deeper into my psycho, for ease of communicating I thought I would deny myself the clever “he/she” conveyor and refer to my psychic as a “she.”  She is after all a she.  Perhaps your psychic is a “he,” so I ask that you make the mental note to personalize your readings with whichever pronoun is appropriate.   And, now let us make the proverbial jump into accessing your own boss’s psycho.

1.  Does her first response to most, if not all, of your comments start with the phrase, “I knew you were going to say that?”  If so, your boss may be psychic.  There is on the other hand another very logical explanation for her comments, especially if you have been doing the same job for some years—YOU MAY ALSO BE HIGHLY PREDICABLE!  So stop.

The way to get the real answer to this question is for you to stir it up and stop doing things and responding in ways you have a history of saying or doing.

  • If the tendency is to be late every morning to work, stop.
  • If the tendency is to try to finish her sentences just to show her that you know what she is going to say before she says it, stop.
  • If the tendency is to just rely on spell checks and not prove what you wrote before sending it out, stop.
“You have got to take control of your career by NOT just doing what you have always done, but rather doing the unexpected of what you’ve never done."  - Scott Hathcock, author of “How to Work for a Psychic Boss”

 Read that last line again with me and say it out loud.  Make it a point to say it in your head over and over again before ever going into your office.  Print this new mantra out, laminate it, and hang it in your cubicle or office as a daily reminder to yourself to do something different, but do hang it somewhere hidden like under the emergency phone call list and/or under that “required to hang” map of emergency building exits.  She’ll never expect it there!  I know what you’re thinking now (And, shame on you for falling into your old self ways!) “If she’s psychic, won’t she know where I’m hiding my new mantra?” The answer is yes and no.

By your answering this question, it will actually help us to determine if she is “psychic” or “psycho.” Allow me to explain.  If she is “psychic,” she simply won’t care what you say to yourself in your head and she won’t hear it anyway – you are confusing her with a “mind reader” and that is much different. Nor will she care where you hang your new mantra or whether you have one or not, she will only care about results and see any new change in you as a step in your evolution.

If on the other hand you find her snooping through your things and looking to see what lies beneath your emergency contact list—you may have just determined she is psycho.  Either way keep reading my blog because you’ve already invested this much time and energy.      

* Note to reader:  After you have tried this prescribed mantra for a few days straight, you have now become predictable again to your boss.  I knew this would happen, so stop! 

** Second note to readers who may be working for mind readers:  Depending on the success of this blog series I may or may not do a follow-up on how to work for a  boss who is a mind reader.


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