Wednesday, July 3, 2013

HOW TO WORK FOR A PSYCHIC BOSS: “The Fourth of 5 Questions You Must Ask Yourself When Determining if You Are Working for a Psychic” By Scott Hathcock

 “The Fourth of 5 Questions You Must Ask Yourself When Determining if You Are Working for a Psychic”

If I didn’t lose you after that last post, then I will assume you are in for the long haul.  If I did lose you after the last post, but you couldn’t stop yourself from reading this follow-up post, then let me address you now.  If that last post was polarizing then this post promises to be humanizing, because it focuses on the human ego.

 4.Do you find your boss to be ego-centric and having to be always right?

 If you find that the answer is “yes,” then your boss is not psychic.  If you recall in our last blog,

“The Third of 5 Questions You Must Ask Yourself When Determining if You Are Working for a Psychic” by Scott Hathcock

I touched on the fact that you were not here on this earth to be right all the time, because if you are right all the time you learn nothing.  I think I even used an explanation mark on that sentence to stress that I was screaming.

What I have learned from my psychic boss is that in removing your ego from the equation or task at hand it allows for clearer thought.  The tricky thing is, knowing the difference between.  Here are some simple ways to help you determine which is which.

1.       EGO fuels embarrassment

2.       EGO feeds anger

3.       EGO feeds on fear and self-doubt

4.       EGO can never admit its sorry and made a mistake

5.       EGO has to be spelled in all caps

6.       EGO is LOUD and determined to be heard

7.       EGO looks outside at others to determine its self-worth by determining others are less than

8.       EGO makes you think you always need to be correct

9.       EGO is trying to get me to me to list ten items on this list to fuel its EGO

Now, the difference…

1.       Intuition feeds you what is best for your personal journey, right now.

2.       Intuition comes from an higher place and not a hired space you occupy

3.       Intuition is soft and a consistent voice

4.       Intuition is the voice of your authentic self

That’s it.  It has nothing to do with making anyone else feel smaller, less important, or less valued.  It has nothing to do with you looking larger than life, more important, or more valued at work.  It just has to do with being who you were intended to be at this present moment.   

Yikes! But, that is why you can trust your intuition.  It takes all the bullshit out of the equation and just focuses on you being you.

Case in point, a true psychic will never tell you that the information they receive is actually coming from them.  They will tell you that they are channeling the information.  They are just a conduit for the information.  No offense, but they don’t really care if what they say resonates with you or that you even take it to heart.  They will most likely forget everything they’ve said the moment you walk out the door. All that really matters to them is that they perform their job to their highest good and relay to you whatever it they are supposed to say.  In essence, they are UPS and just delivering the package to your door. It’s up to you to take it inside and open it.  Scary huh?  Now, do they love positive feedback? Of course they do, they are human too and have an ego.  But, when they are really heart-centered psychics, what they really love is when YOU learn how to listen to and use your own intuition.

And, they love it when stop calling them and asking when you’ll find love, buy this car or take this trip? Once you are able to separate EGO from your intuition, the choices are clear.

Back to how this relates to your boss.   If your boss is psychic, their management style for you will be like that of the heart-centered psychic I’ve described.  They will offer you sage advice when appropriate to channel on your behalf, but they will also look to boost your confidence so that you start trusting your own gut instincts.  You will find that they too are put-off by the constant nagging of the mundane day-to-day business questions like,

“Should I fax this now?”

“Should I wait to call my client?”

“Should I go on this business trip?”         

They only want you to succeed.  But, will they fire you? Yes, just ask me.

And when they do, hopefully it was a life lesson for both of you and not just for them.  If I have learned anything from my psychic boss it is that in the past I have not always answered honestly the question I `have tasked of you, “Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing?” I have done things out of fear. I have done jobs for just the money. I have taken jobs to look better to others. I have been both the youngest Vice President and the oldest in a company and I stand before you now having learned “life lessons” and not failures that got me where I am today.  Now, telling the story of how I got here is half the fun.  My EGO even enjoys it and has accepted it as part of my life’s journey.  It even laughs with me.  EGO is not all bad; it makes us who we are and actually wants the best for us.  It sometimes just has an issue of knowing when to step back and recalibrate.  EGO is having me believe that you are still reading this blog and encouraging me to continue writing it, but the truth is I’m doing this for me.  I needed to be reminded of this just as much as I thought you did.


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