Wednesday, July 3, 2013

HOW TO WORK FOR A PSYCHIC BOSS - “The Second of 5 Questions You Must Ask Yourself When Determining if You Are Working for a Psychic” by Scott Hathcock

Scott Hathcock
(Works for a psychic medium/furniture CEO)
Since I am finding this therapeutic myself and sense you are enjoying this series, let us continue.  I realize that I’m not giving you any time to digest each blog before I post the next.  And, I’m not giving you anytime to practice what we’ve already learned.   Hopefully, you are not even having time to question my authority on this topic.  It just feels right to you, so you are diving head first into this next post. Maybe that’s not a bad thing?

Unintentionally, this leads me to the second question you have to ask yourself about your boss.     

2. Does she make business decisions based on her intuition? Better yet, does she have the gall to ask you what your “gut” says when you ask her a question about what you should do?

As an observer, this process of decision-making could seem rash to you and even off-putting, but why? Why does she do that? Why does she seem to not toil over every business decision she makes? Why does she not stress? 

That crazy-haired Malcolm Gladwell wrote about it in his book, “Blink” and he did it without ever capitalizing his book title—that’s how confident he was in his writing.  A common observation of Gladwell’s is that some folks follow their instincts making, to the untrained eye, “rash” decisions and advance into victory. While others can’t seem to do one thing that is right.  He has obviously witnessed a psychic boss at some point because I’ve observed this same characteristic in mine.  

I know what you’re saying now, and shame on you again, so go back and read my second blog post.   You want to learn how to do this too.  You want to learn how to live this way.

Based solely on my observations of my psychic boss, here are three questions you must ask yourself to see if you are ready:

  1. Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing?

 Okay, maybe I overshot the moon on that one, but the business books I’ve read always have you doing things in three’s.  There is really only one question.  So, let’s let that single question sit with you for a moment.  “Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing?” I used to let this one question bug the shit out of me because of its magnitude.  Like an onion, this question has so many layers that will apply to your life, but since we have set a course for just focusing on your boss and job let’s keep our thoughts in the office. 

If you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, your gut answer and response is always correct.  By the way, it’s also called your intuition.  And if your boss is psychic too, she is using this form of decision-making all the time because she trusts it.  In fact, she trusts it so much that when the outcome turns out to be different to what she anticipated, she will go as far to say, “Well, that was a good life lesson.”

WHAT THE WHAT!?!?! She doesn’t even worry about the business consequences? The answer is “no.” The reason is she has asked question number one of herself countless times.  Because she has comfort in knowing she is doing what she is supposed to be doing, even a mistake and life lesson to be learned is part of her journey.  This is some heady stuff believe me and if you need to just take a deep breathe right now please go ahead, I will wait.

Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing? This simple question hopefully removes all illegal and unjust actions from your head because my attorney asked me to mention that.

Q: “Should I borrow some copy paper to take home?”
A: Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing?

Q: ”Should I be cold calling a list of clients right now?”
A: Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing?  

Q: “Should I be firm with my offer?”
A: Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing?

Q: “Should I ask for a raise?”
A: Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing?

Get in the habit of asking yourself this question about the little things and then try scaling it across the rest of your life.  You will find that if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, you are aligned. And, when you are aligned your intuition is never wrong.  Sometimes you may have “life lessons” but you should feel really good about those too because you recognized them as lessons and not as mistakes.


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